Opinion / Columnist
Emmerson Mnangagwa and the 26 criminals around him
08 Mar 2025 at 15:51hrs | Views

In November 2017, former President Robert Mugabe was removed from office and his crime, according to the putschists who ousted him in a coup, was that he had allowed himself to be surrounded by criminals. Sadly, we have now morphed to an even worse dispensation where we are now saddled with a criminal President who has surrounded himself with even more insidious criminals than during Mugabe's time.
This week, I do not only name and shame just 35 criminals around Emmerson Mnangagwa but I also detail the criminal deeds by each one of them.
The list, though not exhaustive, is a good starting point so that when we refer to criminals surrounding the President, we are not speaking generally, in an intellectual sense of abstraction but we are talking about named and living individuals who have cases against the people and the nation of Zimbabwe.
Corruption is criminal but when the vice is done to the levels that it is being done by ED and his criminal cabal, it becomes treasonous.
ED not only works with criminals but has generally presided over unprecedented massive sleaze and corruption in the country.
Only last week, Transparency International named Zimbabwe among the 10 most corrupt countries in the world, among them Sudan, Somalia and Libya. In SADC, Zimbabwe was one of the worst, only better than the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The initial list of the 35 criminals in this exclusive piece includes the President himself, key figures in his office and members of his family as well as a retinue of criminals that he unashamedly hangs out with, ranging from ex-convicts, senior government officials, commissioners, shady and crooked characters from the international criminal underworld, fake pastors, tribesmen, tribeswomen and even common crooks, such as one Maxwell Chikumbutso who recently falsely claimed to have invented a self-powering electric vehicle.
1. Emmerson Mnangagwa: A criminal President
Top of the list of criminals is Mnangagwa himself.
Mnangagwa's biggest crime is that has led a government of thieves or a kleptocracy, if not a kakistocracy, which refers to a government run by the worst, least qualified or simply the most unscrupulous citizens.
As President, he has treasonously failed to uphold the country's Constitution, which he publicly swore to defend and uphold.
He has unconstitutionally extended the term of office of the Chief Justice and is now on the cusp of using his political surrogates to extend his own term of office, even when the Constitution is clear that if such a Presidential term extension were to happen, the incumbent, in this case Mnangagwa himself, must not benefit.
He has deliberately and criminally captured both Parliament and the Judiciary and trammelled the notion of separation of powers. He has abused State institutions to destroy the legitimate opposition.
Indeed, notwithstanding the inherent structural weaknesses of the opposition itself that made them prone to infiltration and ultimately destruction, Mnangagwa has specifically used the captured Parliament and the captured Judiciary to recognise a purchased proxy, one Sengezo Tshabangu.
And that makes chief justice Luke Malaba and Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda an integral part of the criminal network around the President.
The Gold Mafia scandal also exposed Mnangagwa as the key architect and part of an elaborate international syndicate that is smuggling the country's gold. Al Jazeeera's Gold Mafia documentary clearly shows the links between ”Number One”, the moniker by which Mnangagwa is known in underworld circles, and the gold smugglers and money launderers that are benefitting from the country's vast mineral wealth..
The US$100 million ZEC scandal poignantly exposed Mnangagwa, his family and office as being at the epicentre of the treasonous act of stealing elections in the country using his unscrupulous runners headed by ex-convict Wicknell “My Son” Chivayo.
Mnangagwa has also criminally usurped the work of independent commissions and regulatory bodies, as he did on 25 May 2024 when he usurped the work of POTRAZ by announcing that he had licensed Chivayo's company, IMC Communications, to be the Zimbabwean partner of Starlink.
This was a blatant act of criminality as Mnangagwa wields no such licensing powers, which licensing powers are solely reposed in the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ).
So instead of defending the Constitution, Mnangagwa has instead torn it to shreds by various wilful acts of omission and commission.
His family, friends and political allies have gone rogue across the country, using their proximity to the citadel of power to amass vast wealth for themselves.
Some five years ago, it emerged that among the beneficiaries of the ill-gotten sugarcane plots in Chiredzi that were listed in schedule 17 of 2020 were one Samora Mnangagwa, Tatenda Matemadanda and Daniel Chadzamira, all of who are related to him and his known political allies.
Mnangagwa thus stands at the very apex of the network of criminals running Zimbabwe, who go by the moniker “Vene” (the owners) of the country.
It is also fact that Mnangagwa is an international criminal. He is named as such in an official United Nations report. The UN Report on the Plundering of the Democratic Republic of the Congo natural resources, a report done by the UN Panel of Experts (S/2002/1146) names what it calls an “elite network” of Zimbabwean politicians that was at the centre of plundering the resources of the DRC in the early 2000s . And Mnangagwa eminently stood out as a criminal in the plundering of the mineral resources of the DRC.
So he is an international criminal as well.
2. Martin Rishwaya (Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet)
As the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Rushwaya is supposed to be a bureaucrat of high probity by virtue of the status of the office in which he works and also by dint of him being the most senior government official.
But Rushwaya, a nephew to Mnangagwa, blatantly usurped the work of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission when he took it upon himself , obviously in behalf of his boss and uncle, to chose the South African company that printed the 2023 election material.
It was highly unprocedural, if not treasonous, and stood grossly against the dictum of natural justice that the President's office would involve itself in choosing the company that printed election material in an election in which the President was a candidate
Not only that: it is also now in the public domain following the revelations in ZECgate that Mnangagwa's office---and not ZEC as the custodian of all election matters---paid US $7 786, 800 for invoice number 1444 that specifically relates to Voter Results Transmission.
It was not only unconstitutional but downright criminal that Mnangagwa's office would directly involve itself in election matters to the extent of choosing who would print election material including ballot papers, worse so in an election in which Mnangagwa himself was a candidate.
3. George Charamba (Deputy Chief Secretary (Communications)
His loyalties may lie with the military faction but it is fact that Charamba, a key figure in Mnangagwa's Office in his capacity as the Deputy Chief Secretary (Communications), is a criminal.
His former boss Jonathan Moyo, has previously put it in the public domain that it was Charamba, as the accounting officer and permanent secretary in the Ministry of Information, who hired the helicopter that transported the ZANU PF chairpersons to Dinyane secondary school in Tsholotsho, the venue of the (in) famous party meeting in 2004 that was supposed to lay the ground for Mnangagwa's then ill-fated rise to the Vice Presidency of the party.
We now know that it was Charamba, as the accounting officer in the Information ministry, who authorized the payment of $9 780 750 of taxpayers' money for the helicopter that carried the Zanu PF provincial chairpersons and even helped secure clearance for it.
According to Moyo, it was also Charamba who authorized the hiring of the helicopter for two days after he had reportedly written Mnangagwa's speech, which was eventually delivered in Tsholotsho by Chinamasa on November 18, 2004.
This is the same Charamba who was a few years ago fingered in the PSMAS multi-million corruption scandal where he allegedly received US$200 000 in sitting allowances at a time the medical aid society owed creditors US$119 million and was failing to dispense cervices to struggling civil servants who religiously paid their monthly subscriptions.
He has yet to repay the money.
So Charamba is one of the criminals in Mnangagwa's office, though his sympathies are known to lie with Chiwenga.
But all the same, he is one of the criminals around the President.
4. Paul Tugwarara:
Paul Tungwarara is another criminal around the President.
Tungwarara, Mnangagwa's special investment advisor in the United Arab Emirates who is fronting a dubious war veterans' cash disbursement scheme as well as a housing (shacks) and borehole scheme to bribe war veterans into supporting the unconstitutional 2030 Presidential term extension, is a dodgy man of murky business and investment aptitude.
Only last week, Tungwarara was reported to have swindled an Indian man out of US$2.3 million after selling him a property he did not own, and offering to facilitate work permits for 450 people.
He reportedly has another pending police complaint in Harare by a man who claims he defrauded him of over US$300,000.
Tungwarara has allegedly used his political links to suppress police investigations.
Police were aware of the complaints when Mnangagwa appointed him “special” Presidential investment adviser to the UAE” in November last year.
In 2019, Tungwarara reportedly, borrowed US$350,000 from one Jospher Chibisa claiming he had construction tenders at State House but only repaid US$64,500.
Chibisa reported Tungwarara for fraud at Harare's CID commercial crimes unit but “the docket disappeared,” Chibisa said in a November 21, 2024, letter to Mnangagwa's wife.
This is the criminal company that Mnangagwa keeps and even appoints as his investment advisors.
5. Auxillia Mnangagwa (First Lady)
Among her many criminal shenanigans, the President's wife is neck-deep in the criminal gold network.
At one point during the Gold Mafia investigations, Uebert Angel and Auxillia reportedly spoke over the phone in front of Al Jazeera's undercover reporters, discussing a plan to launder more than US$100m.
Auxillia runs a philanthropic organisation, Angel of Hope Foundation, reportedly a recipient of handouts from shady sources and has been used to launder dirty money and to prop up her husband politically, including furthering her husband's 2030 Presidential term extension.
She has corruptly and criminally usurped State power as evidenced by her visit to meet the President of Belarus in the company of her sons when she wields no executive authority, no legal power and not even any moral authority to engage foreign nations on behalf of Zimbabwe.
Tellingly, Auxillia reportedly flexed her sexually transmitted political power to foist her brother, a convicted armed robber, Paradzai Kutyauripo, as the current Chief Chiweshe.
At a personal level, I am pained by the corruption around the Chiweshe chieftainship because my own clan and family have a legitimate claim to the same.
And to cement the shameful and criminal fact that the country has now effectively become a family dynasty, the same Paradzai Kutyauripo also holds a very senior government position as the Director of State Residences.
6. Belish Nguwaya
Delish Nguwaya is yet another criminal around Mnangagwa.
An online search of his name shows that Nguwaya has been arrested multiple times for armed robbery, cocaine possession and extortion.
Styling himself as a police officer and sometimes as an informer for Zimbabwe's intelligence services, Nguwaya has landed in court over half a dozen times accused of a range of criminal activities.
The former police officer is a dodgy criminal who rose to prominence when he was arrested in June 2020 following revelations that his companies Drax International and DRAX SAGL were enmeshed in a murky US$60 million Covid-19 drugs procurement scandal.
Nguwaya was at the time reported to be a business partner of ED's twin sons Sean and Collins, allegations which the sons denied.
Nguwaya appeared at State House and had pictures taken with ED on 8 April 2020 in the company of the President's son, Collins. On that occasion, Nguwaya was flaunted as a philanthropist.
He was arrested and charged with fraud while health minister Obadiah Moyo was sacked over the scandal. The tenders were also cancelled.
Nguwaya is also the sole representative of the Netherlands based company Geo Pomona Waste Management Private Limited (Geo Geneix BV) for the 2022 controversial Pomona dumpsite deal which was politically forced on the Harare City Council.
7. Kalesh Pattni
Kamlesh is a notorious gold smuggler of huge infamy who at one time was accused of nearly bankrupting Kenya by looting the exchequer through an elaborate scam .
He is another gold dealer from the criminal underworld who showed the under-cover Al Jazeera journalists his private messages and communication to Mnangagwa on his mobile phone in his quest to prove to the under-cover reporters that he is in frequent communication with the highest office in Harare.
Asked specifically of Mnangagwa's role in the smuggling of gold in Zimbabwe, Pattni told the Al Jazeera reporters:
“He knows, of course, yes. But he can't – he will not talk too openly,” Pattni reportedly said of Mnangagwa. “When you work, you must always have the king with you, the President.”
8. Sean Mnangagwa
Sean is a Major in the Zimbabwe National Army, a position to which he attained when he was allegedly parachuted through the ranks because he is Mnangagwa's son..
Sean allegedly runs a parallel and private unit that is now responsible for Presidential security. This unit has reportedly caused ructions and confusion within the ZNA by dint of its unorthodox and unconventional command structure.
Prominent war veterans Blessed Geza, who has publicly called for Mnangagwa to step down because of high-level corruption under his watch, has charged that Sean drives to work in a Rolls Royce, a development he says has caused massive consternation in the army as others of similar and higher ranks within the service have no such lavish vehicles.
Sean is also reported to be a business partner of crooked tycoon Delish Nguwaya, whose companies were enmeshed in Covidgate and the Pomona Dumpsite scandals.
He has previously denied the charge.
9. Chido Mnangagwa
Chido, Mnangagwa's daughter, was the unofficial representative of the Mnangagwa family interests in the US$100 million ZEC deal and also reportedly received illicit payments from Chivayo's criminal and highly treasonous deal in which electoral materials were overpriced to cater for corruption overheads.
10. Kudakwashe Tagwireyi
One of Mnangagwa's key henchmen, Tagwirei is regarded in some circles as the de facto Prime Minister of the country. He has a hand in every pie of the country's economic sectors and through his Sakunda, Trafigura and Kuvimba enterprises, he has varied interests ranging from fuel, construction, cement, the Command Agriculture scheme, public transport (buses), cement manufacturing and mining, among many others.
Late last year, Mnangagwa appointed Tagwirei to head a Land Tenure Implementation Committee, which not only usurps the powers of the constitutional Land Commission but reeks of the usual odour of elitist beneficiation by seeking to create a land cartel.
In 2023, Tagwirei reportedly made a secretive payment of US$1, 6 billion to unknown shareholders in a huge and brazen corrupt heist.
Tagwirei is reported to have paid this handsome amount to unknown shareholders for shares in Kuvimba Mining, which owns over a dozen gold, lithium, nickel and platinum mines under the Mutapa Investment Fund.
This murky, secretive deal involving national assets and running into billions of dollars has reportedly pushed up the country's debt figure by several billions of dollars, with the proceeds from this arrant theft of State resources to line private pockets.
This is highly treasonous and criminal.
11. Wicknell Chivayo
He is the star of Mnangagwa's criminal show.
His criminal status is beyond doubt because he is an ex-convict and in leaked audios that are now in the public domain, he has confirmed and bragged that he is very close to ED, closer than even the two Vice Presidents.
In 2004, Chivayo was charged with fraud involving ZAR 837 000 while others believed the amount to exceed R2 000 000 South African rand. He was incarcerated and spent time at Chikurubi.
In 2017 the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) and the Zimbabwean Parliament probed Chivayo's electricity power contracts that included a multimillion dollar power contract for Gwanda and other power contracts that had an accumulated value in excess of USD$600 million of which none were ever delivered.
In his famous statement, "Ndakachibata kuti dzvi", Chivayo has confirmed that he has the President under his firm grip.
He was given over US$5 million for the Gwanda solar project for which he has not delivered, several years on.
Nothing has happened to him to enforce implementation by dint of his proximity to political power.
In the leaked audios and before any public tenders were floated, Chivayo, who has been doling out vehicles and cash, also bragged that the powers that be had promised him contracts in several departments in various Ministries and government departments.
He is regularly all over the show flaunting cash and doling out cars like confetti.
In an interview recently, Mnangagwa defended Chivayo, describing him as a self-made philanthropist. He cheekily said anyone who was robbed money by Chivayo must report to the police.
12. Henrietta Rushwaya
Henrietta is a niece to Mnangagwa and also the President of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation, a position that puts her in good stead to front the Mnangagwa family's illicit gold enterprises and the looting of other minerals across the entire country.
In the Gold Mafia documentary, Henrietta offered to launder cash for gold to Al Jazeera's under-cover journalists.
In 2020, Rushwaya was arrested at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International airport while attempting to smuggle six kilogrammes of gold.
Tellingly, when she was arrested at the airport, Henrietta was in the company of a team of Mnangagwa's personal bodyguards that included one Stephen Tserai and Raphios Mufandauya,
Henrietta was convicted but her case “died” in murky circumstances and she has hs since returned to continue her murky work as the President of the National Miners' Federation.
13. Patson Tapiwanashe Mnnangagwa
A media report in January this year linked a Mnangagwa relative, one Patson Tapiwanashe Mnangagwa to some illicit gold mining operations in Mashonaland Central province.
Tapiwanashe reportedly holds Special Grant No. 7899, a permit issued for gold mining activities in an area notorious for unregulated and illegal operations.
This revelation cemented reports that the Mnangagwa family and their associates are deeply entrenched in a syndicate profiting from Zimbabwe's vast mineral wealth.
The scandal escalated on 20 January 2025, when a white Toyota off-road truck carrying 1.5 tonnes of gold—valued at approximately $122 million—was reportedly spotted at private premises in Harare's leafy Borrowdale suburb.
The truck, reportedly driven by Patrick Mnangagwa, a cousin of the President, was part of an escorted convoy that included controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo and a ZANU-PF member, one Vongai Mupereri.
14. Patrick Mnangagwa
He is ED's's brother who is widely believed to be one of his many business fronts.
Patrick was relatively unknown in the business circle and only burst into the limelight in March 2024 when his brother, the President, officially opened a giant multi-million dollar milling plant for Patrick's then unknown company,
Champion Foods, that he co-owns with one Douglas Hwande.
Champion Foods reportedly boasts of three milling plants and has become one of the biggest milling plants in the country, with a capacity to produce 500 metric tonnes of maize meal per day, while also reaching a capacity of processing 200 metric tonnes of wheat per day
15. Owen Muda Ncube
Muda, also known as Touch Bomber, is a close ally of the President who shocked the nation when he was appointed from political obscurity to become National State Security Minister.
Before being appointed Minister, he had been known for years as ED's machete-wielding gold runner in the gold mining activities in the Midlands province.
He is currently the Midlands Provincial Affairs Minister but remains strongly linked to the regime's chilling murderous activities during his stint as State Security Minister.
16. Passion Java (real name Panganai Java)
Passion is one of the President's lackeys and a dubious pastor of equally dubious economic means but who flaunts himself as a businessman and a man of the cloth.
Java has publicly boasted that he uses political connections to make money.
When the Gold Mafia documentary that exposed Mnangagwa and his inner circle's dealings with the gold mafia criminal underworld went public, Java defended fellow pastor Uebert Angels. He used his social media accounts to cheekily chide angry Zimbabweans: “Saka muchaita sei?” (So what are you going to do?)).
17. Uebert Madzanire (Uebert Angels)
Uebert Angels, real name Uebert Madzanhire, is ED's Special Envoy and Zimbabwe's Ambassador at Large
He was secretly recorded striking a US$1.2 billion deal he thought was real and offered to launder the whole amount for undercover investigative journalists from Al Jazeera.
The Al Jazeera documentary exposed Madzanire as Mnangagwa's conduit in gold smuggling. He was recorded speaking to ED's wife, Auxillia over the phone about smuggling the country's gold.
For a payment of US$200 0000, Madzanire promised to arrange a meeting between ED and the undercover Al Jazeera reporters.
This exposed that there is a “meetings for money” scheme within the government where officials use their proximity to charge money for a arranging meetings with Mnangagwa.
18. Rikki Doolan (Angel's deputy):
Both Angels and his deputy, Rikki Doolan, reportedly tried to get the undercover reporters to open a hotel and casino at the popular tourist location of Victoria Falls, saying an infrastructure project would get the undercover reporters more clout with Mnangagwa.
“Gold is easy, but there is nowhere to cut a ribbon,” Angel told the reporters. “A politician wants to open something.”
19. Simon Rudland
He is reported to be one of Zimbabwe's richest men. Rudland co-owns Gold Leaf Tobacco, among the largest cigarette manufacturers in South Africa
Al Jazeera's investigation showed that his web of crime extends far beyond that, to an elaborate money laundering and gold smuggling scheme that helps him hide millions of dollars of unaccounted cash.
Rudland reportedly loans some of his money to the cash strapped Zimbabwe government. In exchange, Fidelity Printers and Refiners, the Zimbabwe Central Bank's refinery, lets his couriers carry millions of dollars of gold to Dubai for sale through frequent trips.
At the centre of Rudland's money laundering operations is a company in Dubai called Aulion that buys smuggled Zimbabwean gold using his dirty cash.
20. Ewan Macillan
Ewan claimed in the Al Jazeera documentary that Mnangagwa was once his business partner. He also said the President's son gave him Mnangagwa's watch in lieu of a debt.
21. Alistair Mathias
He is a gold baron who told under-cover Al Jazera journalists that Mnangagwa was his business partner in Zimbabwe.
The gold smuggler and money launderer who also partners with Macmillan told the under-cover Al Jazera journalists that he works for several African Heads of State, among them Emmerson Mnangagwa
“In Zim, ED is my partner. I can't say it in public because he's sanctioned,” Mathias told the undercover reporters.
22. Virginia Mabhiza
A long-time ally of Mnangagwa from their time together at the Ministry of Justice with ED as the Minister and Virginia as the Permanent Secretary.
Mabhiza is now the country's Attorney-General.
She is said to be at the centre of ED's recent shenanigans following her 13 February 2025 letter to the POSB board and management to sell the bank's stake to dubious “investors” who are in fact scammers.
The so-called investors are a shadowy unit called Hebrew Investment Group (HIG).
Mabhiza even directed the opening of the bank's vaults to HIG representatives without proper due diligence.
23. Morris Brown Gwedegwe
Gwedegwe is a pro-Zanu PF cleric and happens to be the controversial figure fronting the dubious Hebrew Investment Group that Mnangagwa wants to take over the POSB for a song.
Gwedegwe has a criminal background and was reportedly excommunicated from the Anglican Church on charges of embezzlement.
24. Isaac Moyo
The then Director General of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), according to Chivayo's audios now in the public domain, was paid US$100 000 from the looted US$100 million in the ZECgate heist.
His involvement in the ZEC elections scandal makes him an accomplice in the treasous mission to steal Zimbabwe's elections.
Being an accomplice to a fraudulent poll is treasonous. Moyo is therefore a criminal.
25. Priscilah Makanyara Chigumba
In a highly treasonous act, the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Priscilla Makanyara Chigumba, also received US$100 000 dollars from the illicit ZECgate proceeds.
In yet another highly treasonous act of negligence of duty as the chair of an independent electoral Commission, Chigumba allowed Mnangagwa's office to choose the company that printed the election material, notwithstanding the fact that Mnangagwa was a candidate in the same election.
In another highly suspicious move, Chivayo was reported to have paid fees for Chigumba's children who are studying outside the country.
26. Scott Sakupwanya
Despite being a candidate in the same election, Sakupwanya's Better Brands Company was also implicated in ZEC-gate as it was involved in the procurement of the election material in a poll in which he had direct interest as a candidate.
Scott was reportedly paid $150 0000 from the illicit proceeds of the ZECgate scandal. Sakupwanya and his football team continue to receive lavish cars as “gifts” from Chivayo, which may well be payment for his role in the election material scandal.
27. Maxwell Chikumbutso
A common criminal who was recently presented alongside Emmerson Mnangagwa in spangled banner pictures while showcasing a fake invention, in this case what he called a self-powering electric vehicle and a hypersonic energy device.
Chikumbuso's record is that he was arrested in 2018 on six counts of armed robbery alongside five accomplices.
On that occasion, the State opposed bail on the grounds that among the firearms that were recovered by the police following a robbery at a service station in Waterfalls, one belonged to Chikumbutso.
These are the kind of criminals that a whole President hobnobs with, to great shame to his office and to the people of Zimbabwe.
The list above of Mnangagwa's criminal cabal is not exhaustive as it also includes Ziyambi Ziyambi, Daniel Garwe, Christopher Mutsvangwa, Farai Mharapira, Douglas Mahiya, Munyaradzi Machacha and many others who have emerged as protagonists in this criminal crusade calling for an unconstitutional Presidential term extension.
Mnangagwa is also a nepotist who has stuffed both party and government with clansmen and clanswomen mainly from his Karanga tribe from Masvingo and the Midlands.
On 12 March 2021, this column named over 30 of his relatives and tribesmen that he had appointed to senior positions both in government and in his party, Zanu PF.
In 2023, with neither shame nor compunction, he appointed his son and his nephew as Cabinet Ministers.
The man is a tribalist who has “Karangised” everything and anything. Even the criminals around him published in this piece have a strong Karanga ring about them, all pointing to the fact that Mnangagwa is not in any way a Statesman but a tribal villagist. .
Yes, Mnangagwa is just a village clansmen who, by accident of history, chanced upon State power.
The last time, the army rolled out the tanks on the grounds that there were criminals around the President. Now that we have a criminal President and an even bigger number of criminals teeming around the Presidency, . I am not sure why the military tanks are not being rolled out.
By the way, I am not in any way trying to incite a coup. I am simply giving insight on what the army has done before when the country was faced with a similar circumstance.
Luke Tamborinyoka is a citizen from Domboshava. He is by profession a journalist and a political scientist. You can interact with him via his facebook page or via his X handle @luke_tambo.
This week, I do not only name and shame just 35 criminals around Emmerson Mnangagwa but I also detail the criminal deeds by each one of them.
The list, though not exhaustive, is a good starting point so that when we refer to criminals surrounding the President, we are not speaking generally, in an intellectual sense of abstraction but we are talking about named and living individuals who have cases against the people and the nation of Zimbabwe.
Corruption is criminal but when the vice is done to the levels that it is being done by ED and his criminal cabal, it becomes treasonous.
ED not only works with criminals but has generally presided over unprecedented massive sleaze and corruption in the country.
Only last week, Transparency International named Zimbabwe among the 10 most corrupt countries in the world, among them Sudan, Somalia and Libya. In SADC, Zimbabwe was one of the worst, only better than the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The initial list of the 35 criminals in this exclusive piece includes the President himself, key figures in his office and members of his family as well as a retinue of criminals that he unashamedly hangs out with, ranging from ex-convicts, senior government officials, commissioners, shady and crooked characters from the international criminal underworld, fake pastors, tribesmen, tribeswomen and even common crooks, such as one Maxwell Chikumbutso who recently falsely claimed to have invented a self-powering electric vehicle.
1. Emmerson Mnangagwa: A criminal President
Top of the list of criminals is Mnangagwa himself.
Mnangagwa's biggest crime is that has led a government of thieves or a kleptocracy, if not a kakistocracy, which refers to a government run by the worst, least qualified or simply the most unscrupulous citizens.
As President, he has treasonously failed to uphold the country's Constitution, which he publicly swore to defend and uphold.
He has unconstitutionally extended the term of office of the Chief Justice and is now on the cusp of using his political surrogates to extend his own term of office, even when the Constitution is clear that if such a Presidential term extension were to happen, the incumbent, in this case Mnangagwa himself, must not benefit.
He has deliberately and criminally captured both Parliament and the Judiciary and trammelled the notion of separation of powers. He has abused State institutions to destroy the legitimate opposition.
Indeed, notwithstanding the inherent structural weaknesses of the opposition itself that made them prone to infiltration and ultimately destruction, Mnangagwa has specifically used the captured Parliament and the captured Judiciary to recognise a purchased proxy, one Sengezo Tshabangu.
And that makes chief justice Luke Malaba and Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda an integral part of the criminal network around the President.
The Gold Mafia scandal also exposed Mnangagwa as the key architect and part of an elaborate international syndicate that is smuggling the country's gold. Al Jazeeera's Gold Mafia documentary clearly shows the links between ”Number One”, the moniker by which Mnangagwa is known in underworld circles, and the gold smugglers and money launderers that are benefitting from the country's vast mineral wealth..
The US$100 million ZEC scandal poignantly exposed Mnangagwa, his family and office as being at the epicentre of the treasonous act of stealing elections in the country using his unscrupulous runners headed by ex-convict Wicknell “My Son” Chivayo.
Mnangagwa has also criminally usurped the work of independent commissions and regulatory bodies, as he did on 25 May 2024 when he usurped the work of POTRAZ by announcing that he had licensed Chivayo's company, IMC Communications, to be the Zimbabwean partner of Starlink.
This was a blatant act of criminality as Mnangagwa wields no such licensing powers, which licensing powers are solely reposed in the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ).
So instead of defending the Constitution, Mnangagwa has instead torn it to shreds by various wilful acts of omission and commission.
His family, friends and political allies have gone rogue across the country, using their proximity to the citadel of power to amass vast wealth for themselves.
Some five years ago, it emerged that among the beneficiaries of the ill-gotten sugarcane plots in Chiredzi that were listed in schedule 17 of 2020 were one Samora Mnangagwa, Tatenda Matemadanda and Daniel Chadzamira, all of who are related to him and his known political allies.
Mnangagwa thus stands at the very apex of the network of criminals running Zimbabwe, who go by the moniker “Vene” (the owners) of the country.
It is also fact that Mnangagwa is an international criminal. He is named as such in an official United Nations report. The UN Report on the Plundering of the Democratic Republic of the Congo natural resources, a report done by the UN Panel of Experts (S/2002/1146) names what it calls an “elite network” of Zimbabwean politicians that was at the centre of plundering the resources of the DRC in the early 2000s . And Mnangagwa eminently stood out as a criminal in the plundering of the mineral resources of the DRC.
So he is an international criminal as well.
2. Martin Rishwaya (Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet)
As the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Rushwaya is supposed to be a bureaucrat of high probity by virtue of the status of the office in which he works and also by dint of him being the most senior government official.
But Rushwaya, a nephew to Mnangagwa, blatantly usurped the work of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission when he took it upon himself , obviously in behalf of his boss and uncle, to chose the South African company that printed the 2023 election material.
It was highly unprocedural, if not treasonous, and stood grossly against the dictum of natural justice that the President's office would involve itself in choosing the company that printed election material in an election in which the President was a candidate
Not only that: it is also now in the public domain following the revelations in ZECgate that Mnangagwa's office---and not ZEC as the custodian of all election matters---paid US $7 786, 800 for invoice number 1444 that specifically relates to Voter Results Transmission.
It was not only unconstitutional but downright criminal that Mnangagwa's office would directly involve itself in election matters to the extent of choosing who would print election material including ballot papers, worse so in an election in which Mnangagwa himself was a candidate.
3. George Charamba (Deputy Chief Secretary (Communications)
His loyalties may lie with the military faction but it is fact that Charamba, a key figure in Mnangagwa's Office in his capacity as the Deputy Chief Secretary (Communications), is a criminal.
His former boss Jonathan Moyo, has previously put it in the public domain that it was Charamba, as the accounting officer and permanent secretary in the Ministry of Information, who hired the helicopter that transported the ZANU PF chairpersons to Dinyane secondary school in Tsholotsho, the venue of the (in) famous party meeting in 2004 that was supposed to lay the ground for Mnangagwa's then ill-fated rise to the Vice Presidency of the party.
We now know that it was Charamba, as the accounting officer in the Information ministry, who authorized the payment of $9 780 750 of taxpayers' money for the helicopter that carried the Zanu PF provincial chairpersons and even helped secure clearance for it.
According to Moyo, it was also Charamba who authorized the hiring of the helicopter for two days after he had reportedly written Mnangagwa's speech, which was eventually delivered in Tsholotsho by Chinamasa on November 18, 2004.
This is the same Charamba who was a few years ago fingered in the PSMAS multi-million corruption scandal where he allegedly received US$200 000 in sitting allowances at a time the medical aid society owed creditors US$119 million and was failing to dispense cervices to struggling civil servants who religiously paid their monthly subscriptions.
He has yet to repay the money.
So Charamba is one of the criminals in Mnangagwa's office, though his sympathies are known to lie with Chiwenga.
But all the same, he is one of the criminals around the President.
4. Paul Tugwarara:
Paul Tungwarara is another criminal around the President.
Tungwarara, Mnangagwa's special investment advisor in the United Arab Emirates who is fronting a dubious war veterans' cash disbursement scheme as well as a housing (shacks) and borehole scheme to bribe war veterans into supporting the unconstitutional 2030 Presidential term extension, is a dodgy man of murky business and investment aptitude.
Only last week, Tungwarara was reported to have swindled an Indian man out of US$2.3 million after selling him a property he did not own, and offering to facilitate work permits for 450 people.
He reportedly has another pending police complaint in Harare by a man who claims he defrauded him of over US$300,000.
Tungwarara has allegedly used his political links to suppress police investigations.
Police were aware of the complaints when Mnangagwa appointed him “special” Presidential investment adviser to the UAE” in November last year.
In 2019, Tungwarara reportedly, borrowed US$350,000 from one Jospher Chibisa claiming he had construction tenders at State House but only repaid US$64,500.
Chibisa reported Tungwarara for fraud at Harare's CID commercial crimes unit but “the docket disappeared,” Chibisa said in a November 21, 2024, letter to Mnangagwa's wife.
This is the criminal company that Mnangagwa keeps and even appoints as his investment advisors.
5. Auxillia Mnangagwa (First Lady)
Among her many criminal shenanigans, the President's wife is neck-deep in the criminal gold network.
At one point during the Gold Mafia investigations, Uebert Angel and Auxillia reportedly spoke over the phone in front of Al Jazeera's undercover reporters, discussing a plan to launder more than US$100m.
Auxillia runs a philanthropic organisation, Angel of Hope Foundation, reportedly a recipient of handouts from shady sources and has been used to launder dirty money and to prop up her husband politically, including furthering her husband's 2030 Presidential term extension.
She has corruptly and criminally usurped State power as evidenced by her visit to meet the President of Belarus in the company of her sons when she wields no executive authority, no legal power and not even any moral authority to engage foreign nations on behalf of Zimbabwe.
Tellingly, Auxillia reportedly flexed her sexually transmitted political power to foist her brother, a convicted armed robber, Paradzai Kutyauripo, as the current Chief Chiweshe.
At a personal level, I am pained by the corruption around the Chiweshe chieftainship because my own clan and family have a legitimate claim to the same.
And to cement the shameful and criminal fact that the country has now effectively become a family dynasty, the same Paradzai Kutyauripo also holds a very senior government position as the Director of State Residences.
6. Belish Nguwaya
Delish Nguwaya is yet another criminal around Mnangagwa.
An online search of his name shows that Nguwaya has been arrested multiple times for armed robbery, cocaine possession and extortion.
Styling himself as a police officer and sometimes as an informer for Zimbabwe's intelligence services, Nguwaya has landed in court over half a dozen times accused of a range of criminal activities.
The former police officer is a dodgy criminal who rose to prominence when he was arrested in June 2020 following revelations that his companies Drax International and DRAX SAGL were enmeshed in a murky US$60 million Covid-19 drugs procurement scandal.
Nguwaya was at the time reported to be a business partner of ED's twin sons Sean and Collins, allegations which the sons denied.
Nguwaya appeared at State House and had pictures taken with ED on 8 April 2020 in the company of the President's son, Collins. On that occasion, Nguwaya was flaunted as a philanthropist.
He was arrested and charged with fraud while health minister Obadiah Moyo was sacked over the scandal. The tenders were also cancelled.
Nguwaya is also the sole representative of the Netherlands based company Geo Pomona Waste Management Private Limited (Geo Geneix BV) for the 2022 controversial Pomona dumpsite deal which was politically forced on the Harare City Council.
7. Kalesh Pattni
Kamlesh is a notorious gold smuggler of huge infamy who at one time was accused of nearly bankrupting Kenya by looting the exchequer through an elaborate scam .
He is another gold dealer from the criminal underworld who showed the under-cover Al Jazeera journalists his private messages and communication to Mnangagwa on his mobile phone in his quest to prove to the under-cover reporters that he is in frequent communication with the highest office in Harare.
Asked specifically of Mnangagwa's role in the smuggling of gold in Zimbabwe, Pattni told the Al Jazeera reporters:
“He knows, of course, yes. But he can't – he will not talk too openly,” Pattni reportedly said of Mnangagwa. “When you work, you must always have the king with you, the President.”
8. Sean Mnangagwa
Sean is a Major in the Zimbabwe National Army, a position to which he attained when he was allegedly parachuted through the ranks because he is Mnangagwa's son..
Sean allegedly runs a parallel and private unit that is now responsible for Presidential security. This unit has reportedly caused ructions and confusion within the ZNA by dint of its unorthodox and unconventional command structure.
Prominent war veterans Blessed Geza, who has publicly called for Mnangagwa to step down because of high-level corruption under his watch, has charged that Sean drives to work in a Rolls Royce, a development he says has caused massive consternation in the army as others of similar and higher ranks within the service have no such lavish vehicles.
Sean is also reported to be a business partner of crooked tycoon Delish Nguwaya, whose companies were enmeshed in Covidgate and the Pomona Dumpsite scandals.
He has previously denied the charge.
9. Chido Mnangagwa
Chido, Mnangagwa's daughter, was the unofficial representative of the Mnangagwa family interests in the US$100 million ZEC deal and also reportedly received illicit payments from Chivayo's criminal and highly treasonous deal in which electoral materials were overpriced to cater for corruption overheads.
10. Kudakwashe Tagwireyi
One of Mnangagwa's key henchmen, Tagwirei is regarded in some circles as the de facto Prime Minister of the country. He has a hand in every pie of the country's economic sectors and through his Sakunda, Trafigura and Kuvimba enterprises, he has varied interests ranging from fuel, construction, cement, the Command Agriculture scheme, public transport (buses), cement manufacturing and mining, among many others.
Late last year, Mnangagwa appointed Tagwirei to head a Land Tenure Implementation Committee, which not only usurps the powers of the constitutional Land Commission but reeks of the usual odour of elitist beneficiation by seeking to create a land cartel.
In 2023, Tagwirei reportedly made a secretive payment of US$1, 6 billion to unknown shareholders in a huge and brazen corrupt heist.
Tagwirei is reported to have paid this handsome amount to unknown shareholders for shares in Kuvimba Mining, which owns over a dozen gold, lithium, nickel and platinum mines under the Mutapa Investment Fund.
This murky, secretive deal involving national assets and running into billions of dollars has reportedly pushed up the country's debt figure by several billions of dollars, with the proceeds from this arrant theft of State resources to line private pockets.
This is highly treasonous and criminal.
11. Wicknell Chivayo
He is the star of Mnangagwa's criminal show.
His criminal status is beyond doubt because he is an ex-convict and in leaked audios that are now in the public domain, he has confirmed and bragged that he is very close to ED, closer than even the two Vice Presidents.
In 2004, Chivayo was charged with fraud involving ZAR 837 000 while others believed the amount to exceed R2 000 000 South African rand. He was incarcerated and spent time at Chikurubi.
In 2017 the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) and the Zimbabwean Parliament probed Chivayo's electricity power contracts that included a multimillion dollar power contract for Gwanda and other power contracts that had an accumulated value in excess of USD$600 million of which none were ever delivered.
In his famous statement, "Ndakachibata kuti dzvi", Chivayo has confirmed that he has the President under his firm grip.
He was given over US$5 million for the Gwanda solar project for which he has not delivered, several years on.
Nothing has happened to him to enforce implementation by dint of his proximity to political power.
In the leaked audios and before any public tenders were floated, Chivayo, who has been doling out vehicles and cash, also bragged that the powers that be had promised him contracts in several departments in various Ministries and government departments.
He is regularly all over the show flaunting cash and doling out cars like confetti.
In an interview recently, Mnangagwa defended Chivayo, describing him as a self-made philanthropist. He cheekily said anyone who was robbed money by Chivayo must report to the police.
12. Henrietta Rushwaya
Henrietta is a niece to Mnangagwa and also the President of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation, a position that puts her in good stead to front the Mnangagwa family's illicit gold enterprises and the looting of other minerals across the entire country.
In the Gold Mafia documentary, Henrietta offered to launder cash for gold to Al Jazeera's under-cover journalists.
In 2020, Rushwaya was arrested at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International airport while attempting to smuggle six kilogrammes of gold.
Tellingly, when she was arrested at the airport, Henrietta was in the company of a team of Mnangagwa's personal bodyguards that included one Stephen Tserai and Raphios Mufandauya,
Henrietta was convicted but her case “died” in murky circumstances and she has hs since returned to continue her murky work as the President of the National Miners' Federation.
13. Patson Tapiwanashe Mnnangagwa
A media report in January this year linked a Mnangagwa relative, one Patson Tapiwanashe Mnangagwa to some illicit gold mining operations in Mashonaland Central province.
Tapiwanashe reportedly holds Special Grant No. 7899, a permit issued for gold mining activities in an area notorious for unregulated and illegal operations.
This revelation cemented reports that the Mnangagwa family and their associates are deeply entrenched in a syndicate profiting from Zimbabwe's vast mineral wealth.
The scandal escalated on 20 January 2025, when a white Toyota off-road truck carrying 1.5 tonnes of gold—valued at approximately $122 million—was reportedly spotted at private premises in Harare's leafy Borrowdale suburb.
The truck, reportedly driven by Patrick Mnangagwa, a cousin of the President, was part of an escorted convoy that included controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo and a ZANU-PF member, one Vongai Mupereri.
14. Patrick Mnangagwa
He is ED's's brother who is widely believed to be one of his many business fronts.
Patrick was relatively unknown in the business circle and only burst into the limelight in March 2024 when his brother, the President, officially opened a giant multi-million dollar milling plant for Patrick's then unknown company,
Champion Foods, that he co-owns with one Douglas Hwande.
Champion Foods reportedly boasts of three milling plants and has become one of the biggest milling plants in the country, with a capacity to produce 500 metric tonnes of maize meal per day, while also reaching a capacity of processing 200 metric tonnes of wheat per day
15. Owen Muda Ncube
Muda, also known as Touch Bomber, is a close ally of the President who shocked the nation when he was appointed from political obscurity to become National State Security Minister.
Before being appointed Minister, he had been known for years as ED's machete-wielding gold runner in the gold mining activities in the Midlands province.
He is currently the Midlands Provincial Affairs Minister but remains strongly linked to the regime's chilling murderous activities during his stint as State Security Minister.
16. Passion Java (real name Panganai Java)
Passion is one of the President's lackeys and a dubious pastor of equally dubious economic means but who flaunts himself as a businessman and a man of the cloth.
Java has publicly boasted that he uses political connections to make money.
When the Gold Mafia documentary that exposed Mnangagwa and his inner circle's dealings with the gold mafia criminal underworld went public, Java defended fellow pastor Uebert Angels. He used his social media accounts to cheekily chide angry Zimbabweans: “Saka muchaita sei?” (So what are you going to do?)).
17. Uebert Madzanire (Uebert Angels)
Uebert Angels, real name Uebert Madzanhire, is ED's Special Envoy and Zimbabwe's Ambassador at Large
He was secretly recorded striking a US$1.2 billion deal he thought was real and offered to launder the whole amount for undercover investigative journalists from Al Jazeera.
The Al Jazeera documentary exposed Madzanire as Mnangagwa's conduit in gold smuggling. He was recorded speaking to ED's wife, Auxillia over the phone about smuggling the country's gold.
For a payment of US$200 0000, Madzanire promised to arrange a meeting between ED and the undercover Al Jazeera reporters.
This exposed that there is a “meetings for money” scheme within the government where officials use their proximity to charge money for a arranging meetings with Mnangagwa.
18. Rikki Doolan (Angel's deputy):
Both Angels and his deputy, Rikki Doolan, reportedly tried to get the undercover reporters to open a hotel and casino at the popular tourist location of Victoria Falls, saying an infrastructure project would get the undercover reporters more clout with Mnangagwa.
“Gold is easy, but there is nowhere to cut a ribbon,” Angel told the reporters. “A politician wants to open something.”
19. Simon Rudland
He is reported to be one of Zimbabwe's richest men. Rudland co-owns Gold Leaf Tobacco, among the largest cigarette manufacturers in South Africa
Al Jazeera's investigation showed that his web of crime extends far beyond that, to an elaborate money laundering and gold smuggling scheme that helps him hide millions of dollars of unaccounted cash.
Rudland reportedly loans some of his money to the cash strapped Zimbabwe government. In exchange, Fidelity Printers and Refiners, the Zimbabwe Central Bank's refinery, lets his couriers carry millions of dollars of gold to Dubai for sale through frequent trips.
At the centre of Rudland's money laundering operations is a company in Dubai called Aulion that buys smuggled Zimbabwean gold using his dirty cash.
20. Ewan Macillan
Ewan claimed in the Al Jazeera documentary that Mnangagwa was once his business partner. He also said the President's son gave him Mnangagwa's watch in lieu of a debt.
21. Alistair Mathias
He is a gold baron who told under-cover Al Jazera journalists that Mnangagwa was his business partner in Zimbabwe.
The gold smuggler and money launderer who also partners with Macmillan told the under-cover Al Jazera journalists that he works for several African Heads of State, among them Emmerson Mnangagwa
“In Zim, ED is my partner. I can't say it in public because he's sanctioned,” Mathias told the undercover reporters.
22. Virginia Mabhiza
A long-time ally of Mnangagwa from their time together at the Ministry of Justice with ED as the Minister and Virginia as the Permanent Secretary.
Mabhiza is now the country's Attorney-General.
She is said to be at the centre of ED's recent shenanigans following her 13 February 2025 letter to the POSB board and management to sell the bank's stake to dubious “investors” who are in fact scammers.
The so-called investors are a shadowy unit called Hebrew Investment Group (HIG).
Mabhiza even directed the opening of the bank's vaults to HIG representatives without proper due diligence.
23. Morris Brown Gwedegwe
Gwedegwe is a pro-Zanu PF cleric and happens to be the controversial figure fronting the dubious Hebrew Investment Group that Mnangagwa wants to take over the POSB for a song.
Gwedegwe has a criminal background and was reportedly excommunicated from the Anglican Church on charges of embezzlement.
24. Isaac Moyo
The then Director General of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), according to Chivayo's audios now in the public domain, was paid US$100 000 from the looted US$100 million in the ZECgate heist.
His involvement in the ZEC elections scandal makes him an accomplice in the treasous mission to steal Zimbabwe's elections.
Being an accomplice to a fraudulent poll is treasonous. Moyo is therefore a criminal.
25. Priscilah Makanyara Chigumba
In a highly treasonous act, the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Priscilla Makanyara Chigumba, also received US$100 000 dollars from the illicit ZECgate proceeds.
In yet another highly treasonous act of negligence of duty as the chair of an independent electoral Commission, Chigumba allowed Mnangagwa's office to choose the company that printed the election material, notwithstanding the fact that Mnangagwa was a candidate in the same election.
In another highly suspicious move, Chivayo was reported to have paid fees for Chigumba's children who are studying outside the country.
26. Scott Sakupwanya
Despite being a candidate in the same election, Sakupwanya's Better Brands Company was also implicated in ZEC-gate as it was involved in the procurement of the election material in a poll in which he had direct interest as a candidate.
Scott was reportedly paid $150 0000 from the illicit proceeds of the ZECgate scandal. Sakupwanya and his football team continue to receive lavish cars as “gifts” from Chivayo, which may well be payment for his role in the election material scandal.
27. Maxwell Chikumbutso
A common criminal who was recently presented alongside Emmerson Mnangagwa in spangled banner pictures while showcasing a fake invention, in this case what he called a self-powering electric vehicle and a hypersonic energy device.
Chikumbuso's record is that he was arrested in 2018 on six counts of armed robbery alongside five accomplices.
On that occasion, the State opposed bail on the grounds that among the firearms that were recovered by the police following a robbery at a service station in Waterfalls, one belonged to Chikumbutso.
These are the kind of criminals that a whole President hobnobs with, to great shame to his office and to the people of Zimbabwe.
The list above of Mnangagwa's criminal cabal is not exhaustive as it also includes Ziyambi Ziyambi, Daniel Garwe, Christopher Mutsvangwa, Farai Mharapira, Douglas Mahiya, Munyaradzi Machacha and many others who have emerged as protagonists in this criminal crusade calling for an unconstitutional Presidential term extension.
Mnangagwa is also a nepotist who has stuffed both party and government with clansmen and clanswomen mainly from his Karanga tribe from Masvingo and the Midlands.
On 12 March 2021, this column named over 30 of his relatives and tribesmen that he had appointed to senior positions both in government and in his party, Zanu PF.
In 2023, with neither shame nor compunction, he appointed his son and his nephew as Cabinet Ministers.
The man is a tribalist who has “Karangised” everything and anything. Even the criminals around him published in this piece have a strong Karanga ring about them, all pointing to the fact that Mnangagwa is not in any way a Statesman but a tribal villagist. .
Yes, Mnangagwa is just a village clansmen who, by accident of history, chanced upon State power.
The last time, the army rolled out the tanks on the grounds that there were criminals around the President. Now that we have a criminal President and an even bigger number of criminals teeming around the Presidency, . I am not sure why the military tanks are not being rolled out.
By the way, I am not in any way trying to incite a coup. I am simply giving insight on what the army has done before when the country was faced with a similar circumstance.
Luke Tamborinyoka is a citizen from Domboshava. He is by profession a journalist and a political scientist. You can interact with him via his facebook page or via his X handle @luke_tambo.
Source - Luke Tamborinyoka
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