Winter Park Resort earns ‘most family-friendly’ honors from OnTheSnow

Winter Park Resort was the Visitors' Choice Award winner for the most family-friendly resort.
OnTheSnow/Courtesy photo

OnTheSnow, a popular snow sports website, presented its annual ski area awards on Thursday, April 18, at the Mountain Travel Symposium in North Lake Tahoe, California.

Among the seven award winners was Winter Park Resort, which took top honors for the Most Family-Friendly Ski Resort. The resort is home to some unique activities designed for families, including GlowNight snow tubing, nature snowshoe tours, and the snowcat and s’mores tour.

Public Relations and Communication Manager for Winter Park Resort, Jen Miller, gave the following statement to OnTheSnow regarding the award.

“Families built Winter Park Resort, so we’re thrilled to be recognized as the most family-friendly resort. From our many activities both on and off the slopes to our laid-back, come-as-you-are vibe, Winter Park welcomes families of all shapes and sizes to come make memories and to connect and reconnect with what matters most – each other. Thank you to OnTheSnow, visitors and guests. There’s nothing quite like family.”

OnTheSnow’s Visitors’ Choice Awards are an annual list of favorite ski resorts as ranked by user ratings and feedback from the platform’s 9 million unique visitors. For a full list of award winners visit,

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